Queen Victoria RCA School

In November 2021 we reviewed the ICT classroom at the school, which was in a less-than-fit state for purpose, with few properly functioning computers and a very restricted space for pupils to be seated. As a result of extensive discussions with the headteacher, Mrs. Ashwini Lukhoo, her deputies and ICT teacher, it was agreed to create a completely new ICT room/facility in a larger space with better ergonomic arrangement for desks, chairs and equipment, including new computers, keyboards, projector and screen. We were happy to provide the full funding for the new ICT facility which has been extremely well-received by the ICT teacher and her pupils.

The headteacher and her support team were using a very old computer with extremely poor internet connection, which resulted in continuous difficulties with their connection to SeDEC and other organisations. We therefore purchased a new laptop for the team, together with a better/faster internet connection, which overcame the problems they had previously experienced.

During our visit to the school in February 2022 it was brought to our attention the extremely poor – and potentially dangerous – state of the old metal windows of all classrooms. Many of the glass panes were loose and falling out of their fixings, meaning that the classrooms could not be ventilated efficiently, and rain was entering through the loose glass panes. We agreed immediately to replace all classroom windows with 18 new aluminium units, with easy opening fixtures to both provide better ventilation and prevent any water ingress to the classrooms.

As the school did not have proper units to store reading material, we funded the production of new library bookcases for each of the school’s eight classrooms, where all reading material could be easily stored and accessed.

In October 2022 we met with the school’s teaching staff and members of the PTA (Parent-Teachers Association) to discuss refurbishing the tired-looking state of the classrooms, with the sole objective to create a more uplifting teaching and learning environment. We felt it important to involve the active participation of the pupils’ parents in this project to demonstrate the commitment of all stakeholders (teaching staff, benefactors, and parents) to the wellbeing of the pupils, and create the best possible teaching and learning space. We were most pleased to see parents positively embracing this project, and while we provided the funds to purchase the paint, brushes, and materials to upgrade the classrooms, the members of the teaching and non-teaching staff together with some parents, painted and made new curtains for all the classrooms. The pupils returned to school for the new term commencing January 2023 to find their classrooms completely refreshed – congratulations to all those who gave their time to make these improvements for the benefit of the children.

Our Foundation is providing Queen Victoria RCA School with a spectrum of highly visual and interactive educational aids, to assist educators better-engage pupils in the learning process.