‘Your Place’ – London, U.K.

Both Jacqui and Richard Anderson were born and grew up in east-London, and it was of great importance for our Foundation to support a charitable organisation with deep connections to the borough of Newham where we have enjoyed a long, deep and emotionally-rewarding history. ‘Your Place’ reaches out to help homeless people in Newham get off the streets, by both providing them initially with sheltered accommodation at their premises in Barking, and then assisting them gain independence through work and longer-term rental accommodation. We support ‘Your Place’ through direct funding towards various projects which the management team believe to be important in their support for the homeless in the area.

Our first project with ‘Your Place’ was in June 2023, when we funded the manufacture and installation of a bike shelter for the residents.

Jazmine Sandison
Communications & Support Manager, Your Place, Beckton, London

In early 2024, our Foundation was informed by the management of ‘Your Place’ that they wanted to assist their residents begin the process of learning how to live an independent life, beginning with simple tasks including learning (after an extended period of living on the streets) to make their own bed; and we were offered a project to purchase 130 ‘Starter Bedding Packs’ for each of their on-premise residents. By Q4 of 2024 we had reached our target number of ‘Starter Bedding Packs’, and we were pleased to have made a small contribution to assisting the residents make the transition back to independent living.

“On behalf of Your Place, I would like to thank The Anderson Charitable Foundation for its generous funding for our resident starter packs which have been well-received, and given our residents a sense of inclusion, independence and ownership.”

Jacquie Howell, Facilities Manager, Your Place – Beckton, London